Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Back from the Hospital!

Vital statistics:
Worth a thousand words:

Likes: mother's milk, warm beds, sleeping, gazing at random objects 12-36 inches from her face, Tom %^&#$%^%^& Brady. At least, his gorgeous face on the TV screen Monday night coincided with an otherwise inexplicable break in her crying fit.
Dislikes: diaper changes, being put down, other Capricorns, going 15 minutes without eating

More to follow, thanks for checking in


Sarah said...

She's so cute!!

I wrote on Amy's facebook that I've decided to collect royalties on the name. ;)


Anonymous said...

I suppose that you intend to pass those royalties on to Grandma Sarah?

Sarah said...

I am willing to work closely with her to determine what kind of arrangement can be made. :)