Sunday, October 4, 2009

No Trophy For #2

Purely academic question: what was the second sin committed by Adam and Eve? They may well have committed different sins for their encore, or maybe the same one. In either case, we will never know because it is not written. Why not? Why couldn't we have a running diary for their first year out of the Garden of Eden? Wouldn't their continued fall from Grace be informative for the rest of us?
I think we can infer from the Old Testament focus on Cain and Abel that Adam and Eve committed no murder, from the focus on the Tower of Babel that there were no pride issues, and from The Flood that they did not have any tendencies toward wickedness in a general sort of way. We can hopefully rule out adultery and covetousness, as well. Therefore, it was probably something we would consider hopelessly mundane and uninteresting.
I like to imagine that any further sin was an echo of sinning at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (a very long name, why not just use a maple or chestnut or cedar?). Based on their specific genders, I imagine Adam would have dealt with a great deal of anger, every time a thorn ripped his flesh or he tripped on a tree root while gathering/growing food. I think Eve would have wallowed in bitterness and resentment, every time she labored to deliver a child or noticed her uncomfortable, primitive clothing that gathered bugs and would not dry off. Almost every day would be a constant reminder of a single, epic failure on their part. I think they likely would have blamed Satan, blamed God, and blamed each other. Blaming themselves for their own plight likely did not come to mind.