Saturday, July 3, 2010

Let Freedom Ring

Please spend a minute of your life to watch THIS. It is truly epic, and made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it. I think there are a couple of spin-offs that need to be made from this:

King Theoden at the Battle of Pelennor Fields
King Leonidas at Thermopylae
William Wallace (Braveheart) just about any time he unsheathed his sword

I'm sure there are some other good ones. Any suggestions?


Matt said...

I like it, except why is Robin Williams dressed up live George Washington and driving a Challenger in this commercial?

Stew said...

I thought the same thing about Robin Williams! Still, it couldn't overcome awesomeness in the name of liberty.

Stew said...

Of course, we all know that Robin Williams played Teddy Roosevelt in the 'Night at the Museum' movies, so he couldn't POSSIBLY also play GW, even in a commercial. That would be heresy.