Saturday, January 9, 2010

Here Comes The BOOM, Ready or Not

In early autumn, there were 2 days of very high winds. One of those days the long-dead tree on our property came down. Hard. Wifey and I looked into our backyard to discover the tree, which was easily big enough to wipe out the deck and part of the house, fell lying almost perfectly north-south. No structural damage to our house OR the kindly 75 year old lady who lives next door. Very fortunate we are. To sweeten the deal even more, I was able to parlay this event into the purchase of a chainsaw and a maul for the clean-up. Let's just say we have ample firewood.

Rotted out completely at the base

One foot, two foot, cut right through foot
The beautiful looks & cute outfit are from Mommy, the mug of coffee on the job is all Daddy

First fire at the new house!

1 comment:

KerryBear said...

Awww to cute stew! But you better be careful I used to hang with my dad like that now look at me I fix cars better than him and can beat him on a snowmobile too!!! ( O and in case you are wondering Yeah grandpa would have been proud)