Wait, you mean streetwise cop John McClane is not the Republican candidate for president? This is a bit of a disappointment. I mean, who wouldn't want a president who had single handedly put the blunt object of justice upside the head of international crime on multiple occasions? Nonetheless, I will go to the polls tomorrow morning and cast my vote for another high profile Irishman, John McCain. I admit that he is an underwhelming candidate, and is not likely to be victorious. However, he is far preferable to Barack Obama, a windbag with little substance and a viciously liberal candidate. Abortion is important to me, as is defense, and I see little merit for Obama on either topic. Along with what will likely be two compliant houses of legislature, I fear the results by the time we reach 2012.
However you feel, GO AND VOTE! I certainly don't know everybody who reads this blog, I don't even have any idea how many people check it out. I can say with certainty, though, that every one of you has complained about the state of our nation, or even the American state that you live in. If are over 18 years of age and you don't vote tomorrow, then consider that you have no right whatsoever to complain about our leadership, no matter how vile of an act those leaders may perpetrate. The Founding Fathers would have disagreed with many of the cogs of government that have been added in the last 230 years, but they would still, to a man, insist that the populace must vote for our representative republic to thrive.
Get on it!
No worries here absente ballot filled out and sent in!!! AND I totally agree. you don't vote you don't complain
Obviously, you know where I stood on this election, and by this writing, my guy won. On a pragmatic level though, let me speak in brief about abortion. This is an issue I've grappled with. From a personal level, I am opposed to them. However, I am a realist, and from a political level, I am pro-choice.
As I said, I'm a realist. The reality of the situation is that, even if abortions were completely outlawed (even in some cases where I feel it justified, such as a 13 year old girl raped by her father) they would still take place. There is evidence of abortions in ancient and medieval times. Outlawing them these days would reduce the number, yes, but they would still take place elsewhere in the industrial world, and illegally in back alleys (the proverbial coat hook).
Again, I am personally opposed to them, and they are not an option I would ever take, but I favor keeping them legal, as I've laid out, outlawing them would not stopping them, and working to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
I am sorry to even bring this subject up, but I figured intelligent conversation could be stimulated.
Oh and by the way, your boy McCain specifically called out my defense program (the littoral combat ship) in a debate, so I give him no kudos on defense.
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