Sunday, June 22, 2008
Every Time I Get Wicket
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What an opportunity! I could explain the principle of human fallibility here, even my own. I gently explained to her that I made a mistake, and that when we make mistakes we just have to do the best we can to find a solution.
The next morning, Wifey went in to see Sweetness and get her out of bed, only to discover that our daughter had wet her pull-up (thankfully, we are now done with that entirely). When asked what happened, because she had been staying dry overnight, Sweetness replied
"Sometimes, I like to make mistakes, just like daddy does." Sigh.
A few minutes later, as I headed out the door to work, I heard Sweetness shout "Don't forget your wallet, daddy." Evidently, it is I who have a great deal to learn.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Divers Garments
"Where did my glove go? Did anybody see my glove?"
Well, with the glove being Velcroed to his backside, you can imagine where his fellow divers suggested he look for it. Wally just took this as the usual treatment, scoffed at them and kept searching. Finally, the glove shook loose and fell to the concrete with a wet flop sound right between his feet. With great maturity, subtlety, and tact, as you can imagine, the other divers found great amusement in the appearance of the glove tumbling from his bum and landing in a pile between his feet. The lesson as always: when even the engineer is laughing at you, you're having a rough day.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Eccentric Orbits
- Astronomers have deliberately ignored fundamental experimental results of the 1870's and 1880's that showed the earth to be standing still
- That all phenomena-including the stationary satellite thousands of miles above the earth- are better explained by geocentricity
Lordy, my head hurts. I'm guessing that those researchers in 1870whatever then went on to claim that Pasteurization was a complete hoax and that eugenics was the wave of the future. In fairness to The Ancients, gravity was not an easy concept to grasp or prove with crude tools. I mean, things fell because they wanted to get back to earth because it was the center of God's universe, right? In fact, it wasn't until around 1915 that gravity could truly be understood in the theoretical sense as it applied to celestial bodies. But, c'mon, we can respect The Ancients without falling into the same mental traps. As for geosynchronous orbit of satellites, it works because the are at such an altitude and rotating about earth at such a rate that they appear to stand still. And that is what this is really all about.
But what about the other planets? If you take earth as our center once again, which is now proven to be in an elliptical orbit from outside (satellite) observation, and put it inside of the orbit of an outer planet that completes an orbit in twice the time, you get this (dig that free-hand squiggle!):

Say what? That planet just pulled an Immelman! I think we can intuitively note that something is amiss. I'm a hard-core dork, so I plotted this on paper before sketching it. If Johan Claus von Lichtenstein (or his cousin Jingleheimer Schmitt von Lichtenstein) observed the path of the outer planet for less than 24 months (in my scenario, actual times differ), he could miss the little loop that throws the whole hypothesis out of what.
Even this shady representation of multibody dynamics falls to pieces if you just launch a space vehicle that is not tied to any planetary orbit. It shows the solar system to be a group of planets orbiting the sun. Does this marginalize God? Hardly! Embrace the beauty of what He has set in motion. The earth can be "made" to be the literal center of the universe, mathematically. So what? God's true focus is His love for us, not an argument over coordinate transformations. I've done a LOT of coordinate transformations, and I assure you it revealed my lack of desire to obtain a PhD, not any great Truths about life. Learn to walk in His Will by study of scripture, be compassionate (I Tell You What does not yet excel in compassion) and forgiving (ditto), claim his Righteousness, and turn your back on snake oil.