Saturday, January 24, 2009

Free Association Friday (Saturday Edition)

  • Forgot to mention that on the drive back from Michigan, having seen far more wildlife than you ever find on the East Coast, we encountered, just a few miles from home, a coyote calmly sitting right in the middle of the road. Had I not come to a complete stop, our car would have plowed right into it.
  • I Tell You What's sister has lost 65 pounds recently. Wow!
  • The proliferation of Obama bumper stickers prompted Wifey to come up with a new classification for annoyingly plodding drivers: Slobama.
  • Speaking of that, can we end the hagiography (word of the day) of our new president? Fortunately, the national news media is now realizing that if it doesn't get out of bed with the Democrats, there will be nothing to report on, especially with things going much better in Iraq.
  • I knew it, I knew it, I knew it was going to be trouble checking those installation torques on something that's never broken but, you know, what if...? That just landed me a 60 hour week.
  • A recent conversation (witnessed by Wifey):

Engineer 1: Look at those swans in the ocean. They're probably corroding!

Engineer 2: No, they're fine. They have a higher nickel content than fresh water swans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Sweetness told me the coyote story with wonderful drama; you would have been proud. Congrats to your sis on a great job!