I read recently that John McCain had released a short list of vice presidential running mate candidates. Veep running mates rarely do much for a presidential candidate, and generally only in a bad way at that. However, of the names on the list I was intrigued by Bobby Jindal. Here is a guy who was governor of a state at age THIRTY-SIX!!!! He's also a minority (Indian), and son of immigrants. If ever there's a way to undercut Barack Obama, this is the guy. Additionally, he's a technocrat, really just a guy who works the levers of government, not really a rally the votes, kiss babies, and shake hands type. The Bush administration (as a whole, not just GWB), for all its clarity of direction and monolithic moral front, has bungled some of the technical aspects of government). So, this Jindal fellow could be good.
As usual, I have a better idea. Imagine if, instead, John McCain joined forces with the Master of Disaster, the AY-A-TO-LLAH of Rock and Rolla'.... Apolllllllllloooooo Creeeeeeeeeeeed!

Think about it, this is one smooth talking, shameless self-promoter who understood that all imagery (and we are in the epoch of imagery) was local. That's why he picked Rocky Balboa as the challenger for his bicentennial fight. When people say Pennsylvania is a battleground state, Apollo knows of what you speak. OK, I know Apollo Creed is a fictional character from 3 movies, but the actor Carl Weathers is none too shabby, either. Also a minority, he played briefly in the NFL. He was also part of the poly-sci/fi confluence witnessed in the movie Predator. That movie starred Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jessie Ventura, and Sonny Landham along with Weathers. That's 2 governors and a congressman, why stop there? Not only that, but Weathers participated (albeit on the losing end), in one of the greatest cinematic arm wrestling contest of all time (take that Over The Top!). C'mon, he would have beaten anybody except Arnold in that epic struggle.
Mr. McCain, I know you're hip with young culture and you read blogs. And if you read blogs, you DEFINITELY read my blog. If Bobby Jindal falls through, think about Carl Weathers. At least it would keep him working and off the streets.