Anyway, with much less time to exercise with the arrival of a second child, one of my outlet activities right now is Madden Football '08 on Playstation 2. My pretend-Lions (we'll call them the Peugeots) won the Superbowl, and are on a huge run in their pretend 3rd year of existence. On the second hardest difficulty level. I am marginally proud of this. Anyway, I was scrolling through the season 3 stats (shut up! It does not make me a dork) the other night, and I came across... Kevin Jones, my former star running back. I say "former", because the evil New England Patriots scooped him up in the off season because I didn't offer him enough pretend money (shut up!). I saw that the turncoat had suffered a season ending injury. I actually felt good inside, in a very smug way (shut up!). That was before I realized that I was experiencing actual human emotions for a video game, with pretend people, on pretend football teams that I don't actually play for, in a pretend future. SHUT UP!
Let's wrap this up with a gratuitous cute picture.